Managing people (engleski) | seminarski diplomski

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Visoka škola za ekonomiju i informatiku
Medium Business English
-seminary work-
Prijedor, december 2010. year
Managing people and Human recourse management 3
Acquisition 4
Development 5
Compensation 5
Maintenance 5
Benefits of Human recourse management 6
Forces changing Human recourse management 6
New technologies 7
New organizational structure 7
Globalization 7
Conclusion 8
Literature 9
Managing people and Human recourse management
Managing people is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment, management of people, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization.The term "personal management" is used to describe all processes involved in managing people. Today, this term is often being replaced with term "human resource management".
By the end of the 1970s, almost all big and medium scale industries had a department to manage their recruitment, employee relations, record-keeping, salaries and wages, etc. Towards the 1980s, the importance of Human Resource Management continued to intumesce for several reasons like increase in skilled labor, training, regulation compliance, dismissal, etc. The Human Resource managers were the ones who did the hiring and the firing.
Today, Human Resource Management has the same importance as the other departments, in some corporates, it has more. With the constant increase in education, technology and frequent fluctuations in economic status and structures importance of this department is becoming bigger and bigger.
Effective management of people involves a combination of common sense, sensitivity, confidence, and good management practices in all areas of work. The goal of human resource management is to help an organization to meet strategic goals by attracting, and maintaining employees and also to manage them effectively.Human resource management is trying to maximize the productivity of an organization by optimizing the effectiveness of its employees while simultaneously improving the work life of employees and treating employees as valuable resources.
Human resource management involves several processes, such as:
Workforce planning
Recruitment (sometimes separated into attraction and selection)
Induction, Orientation and Onboarding
Skills management
Training and development
Personnel administration
Compensation in wage or salary
Time management
Travel management
Employee benefits administration
Personnel cost planning
Performance appraisal
Labor relations
All this processes and activities can be divided into four functional groups: acquisition, development, compensation and maintenance.
Acquisition duties consist of human resource planning for employees, which includes activities related to analyzing employment needs, determining the necessary skills for positions, identifying job and industry trends, and forecasting future employment levels and skill requirements. These tasks may be accomplished using such tools and techniques as questionnaires, interviews, statistical analysis, building skill inventories, and designing career path charts. Four specific goals of effective human resource planning are: