Adjectives (engleski) | seminarski diplomski

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Pec – Leposavic
Course : financial menagment
Subject: English 2
Theme: Adjectives
Leposavic, November 2010.
Content :
Introduction ………………………………………………………………3
Adjectives ………………………………..……………………………….4
Compariosion of adjectives ………………………………………………5
Sppeling ruls wnen comparing……………………………………………6
Literature …………………………………………………………………10
In English, adjectives have the same form for all three genders, for all cases for the singular and plural. Adjective usually comes before the noun.
1. The first and second stages of comparisons of all singular and some syllable adjectives are formed when positive continue adding - er (in the first degree) or - six (for the second stage of comparison.
2. Most syllable adjectives and all with more than two syllables form a first degree of comparison with - the sea, and the second level comparisons to - most.
The adjective is the unchanging word of English, so the adjective can not express any kind, or any number of cases.
Adjectives are divided into:
personal , which are written in capital letters: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, English, Deutsch, Italian;
descriptive: young, beautiful, green;
Volume (quantitative): some, few, much, all, enough;
Demonstrative: the this, that, these, those, such, younder, the same, the order;
indefinite: a, an, any, one, certain, another;
distributive: each, every, either, neither;
possessive: my, your, his, her, its, our, their;
questionable (interrogative) what, which.
Comparison of adjectives
Adjectives have three degrees of comparison:
positive first degree - equality - positive
comparative second stage - the odds - comparative
third level - preeminence - superlative.
Equality is expressed by the words "as ... as" the positive adjectives.
He is as rich as his friend.
He is as strong as a horse.
Comparative, expressing umanjenost, formed using the words "less then ..."
He is less rich than his brother. (He is less wealthy than his brother)
Comparative expressed uvećanost, and educate yourself:
- With one-syllable adjectives and some by adding the suffix "er":
He is richer than his friend.
The polysyllabic adjectives by adding the suffix "more" before the adjective:
He is more independent than his brother.
"More and more" translates bond "and" which precedes and comes after the comparative
magnification: stronger and stronger (getting stronger and stronger).