Prevara investitora (engleski) | seminarski diplomski

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Milica Mrdak
Is investment education alone enough and an adequate solution for solving
the issue with investor’s fraud??
In the midst of randomness, rational decision making can go out the window, even for the scam artists themselves. As described by Stein in his interview with Ruffenach, the stock market becomes an overwhelming game, in which returns made by such Ponzi scheme will run out and show when the market will not cooperate back:
“I was warned several times by people that knew me and people that cared about me, and I talked with attorneys and I talked with financial advisers –real, certified people – who said, “What you’re doing is illegal, you’re going to get in a lot of trouble. “I’m like, “It’s going to be fine. I’ll fix it, I’ll fix it.” You can’t fix it. I was sucked up into the personality of the game. I liked the game, and was a risk taker. I just took the risk too far”. (Ruffenach, 10)
The many intricacies of the stock market’s trends and patterns can be predicted to a certain degree with historical as well as internal technical market analysis that takes into consideration not just the past history, but the technical and financial stability of the firm. There are many things that investment education can teach as well as bring to light when predicting the outcome of a firm’s outlook and its corresponding portfolios. With more information and anticipation of new expectations, however, there is more competition and more emotion being put, making investors act impulsively, with the greed and drive that may cause even more investor’s fraud. There is a pressure from others, who are like a herd of cattle panicking to sell or buy corresponding to the trends of the market. Shiller explains in his article Bubbles: Human Judgment & Human Opinion that bubbles drive human irrational behavior, only to make the bubble burst and create disaster and an outburst of irrational behavior (Shiller, 1-3). Education on the rational ratios and trends of the market sometimes gets clouded when there are the flaws of humans and behavioral finance involved.
But, it is unlikely that they will do so convincingly, given the failure of our efforts to date to capture the volatility of stock prices. To justify the volatility in terms of such changes in the discount rates, one will have to argue that investors also had a great deal of information about changes in the factors influencing these future discount rates” (Shiller, 12).
Even interest rates don’t follow the trends of the efficient markets. There is another level that takes into place, which is the behavioral finance. It was discovered in the 1990’s after the need to find this “noise that dominated the movements of the aggregate market in spite of following the efficient markets valuation and methods: